Friday, February 12, 2016

     In I Am The Messenger, the main character Ed is a bum teen that does not look like he's going anywhere. But, one day these mysterious cards show up in the mail that detail addresses that contain a problem. The scene that interests me the most is the one where Ed receives the card. It interest the reader enough to allow them to want to finish the book even though it happens early on. This scene created a sense of wonder for me that made me say to myself, “I wanna finish this book.” Many of the scenes before this one are very generic and boring. Like the one where Ed’s friends are playing cards or when Ed details his sex life. None of these really caught me and honestly, bored me a little bit. Yet, the one scene where he receives the cards saves the book. Without it I would have put the book down and went on to something else (if I didn't have to read it). My mind really took of here. It made me think of what could happen. Like would Ed take the challenge or would he back down? Would he walk into a quick and easy problem or would something deadly await him? Anything is imaginable. This scene constructs the story going forward. It creates a scenery for the problem Ed is facing. When Ed goes to Edgar street. He seems something horrifying. By mentioning the street the reader associates the name with the problem. By doing this it is easier to talk about the problem no matter how horrific. In the end the author was smart to add this scene in to keep the reader interested and to create a future for the book.